Fun Finds at the Fredkid Fair

Today my friend came to town, and we took her beautiful 6 1/2 month old, Madi, to the Frekid Fair. (For those of you not familiar with this great event, check out the Fredkid website). We were on a mission to get Madi some cute new crocheted hats (which, by the way, was a great success), and check out the other information booths, and other activities. The place was packed with families of all shapes and sizes, and it was certainly the place to be in Fredericton today, if you had children!

For me - sans children - it was still a fun place to be, with the hustle and bustle of laughs, tears, scolding voices, and vendors selling their wares. I also made a couple of very exciting finds today, in some local women - fellow green girls - who are forging ahead with their entreprenurial spirits, and also keeping healthy kids and parents, and the environment in mind.

The first one, was a new twist, on a very old idea - cloth diapers! (one caveat....even before I have children of my own, I would like to think that I will take this approach to diapers, but I don't know ANYTHING about how it actually is - easy/hard/inconvenient or otherwise). I think cloth diapers are a great way to reduce waste - disposable diapers can sit in landfills for years and years - and man, are there some cute designs for baby bums these days! Little Tree Hugger (don't you just love the name?) is a Canadian company, two sisters actually, who are in the business of diapers.  They are home/web based and have a complete array of cloth diapers and accessories, as well as some other eco-friendly products. Check them out!

The second woman I talked to, was the owner of Lulujo Baby Products. She was fantastic, and shared my enthusiam for all things environmental. She had a neat variety of baby slings, cloths, recieving blankets, and pillows, all organic in nature. But, my favorite find of the day must have been her mom/baby bath and body products! I didn't fit into either of those categories, but I did leave with some awesome body butter, and a fabulous lip balm. And - the best thing - both had like five ingredients in them! Certainly fits right in with my quest for purity! I was stocked to find a local business that was operating with that same desire in mind! (I told the owner that I would give her a shout out, so, if you are reading - I LOVE MY NEW GOODIES!)

There were many other smart, eco-saavy women who were selling their wares at the Fair, and I would never have time to talk with them all! But, check out these other couple eco-options on the web. They are certainly worth the visit to the stores too. And local to Fredericton, you won't spend a tonne - of money or GHGs - getting there:

Room to Remember Kidz
Little Star
Monkey Bum Designs
Stylin' Mama, Baby and Tot

So, all in all, it was a fun trip to the Fair. And always great to have Lindsey and Madi pay a visit!

And, for a quick composting update: I went home after the fair and set up my new composter! Some chicken wire, black earth, and voila! Its ready to go! I am anxious to get started! Pictures to come soon.....

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