Don't Drink the Water!

An interesting story came out in the Ottawa Sun a couple of weeks ago, and it is shocking!!

Would you believe, that there are drinking water conditioners, similar to that of third world countries, right here in New Brunswick. Now, I absolutely do not believe that we are in such dire conditions as those countries, but certainly, some things have to change!

The Ottawa Sun story, entitled There's s--- in the water...literally. talkes a most interesting look at some of Canada's cities and how they compare when it comes to water. Take a look, it will really open your eyes! Well, now I know I shouldn't be too boastful, but Fredericton got some good PR here! We have a most excellent Water and Sewer Department, anmd some of the best ground sourced drinking water in Canada! (And I know I am partial, but we have actually won awards for our water!) On the other hand, just down the road, another community is pumping millions of gallons of waste into the harbour each year. Gross. Me. Out. Take a look at the pictures in the story...they speak for themseleves!

Mind you, each community has their own challenges, and everyone gets caught at times, when water isn't as good as it should be. But, in this day and age, with our resources and technology in Canada, should we really even have to be talking about this? Why should any community be pumping feces into waterways. Why shouldn't there be more accountability on this front? It costs money, yes, but think about this, isn't water a precious enough resource that it should be revered more highly.

This is just my opinion, and I am sure there are many more views that could be taken on this subject. However, we need to start paying more attention and treat our water as it should. Perhaps if we were experiencing mass shortages similar to third world countires, we would be more diligent. But, we aren't experiencing those conditions, and we still pay far less for our water as a commodity compared to say, gas.

I am always proud to say that I don't buy bottled water, because we are lucky to have lots of tap water at our disposal. Mind you though, next time I venture out of town on vacation, for a visit or a meeting, I might be a little hesitant to drink from the tap.

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