A Spicey Project!

After a brief hiatus, and a very relaxing vacation, I am back to the blogging world! What a great 6 days I spent in PEI, doing some very cool things, and having some neat adventures. (More about those coming in another post....)

This one is all about something I talked about in my last post....my quest to become a better bulk buyer, and start to streamline my culinary purchases. As I mentioned before, one of my goals was to make a new spice rack, and fill it with all of my favorite flavours. I am happy to report, I was successful!! But, the spice rack that my boyfriend and I built, is actually a great waste diversion story too! One of reuse and of making something new out of something old.

This story starts with a telephone pole. An old cedar pole removed from a roadside somewhere in Eastern Prince Edward Island. After they are done with the poles, the telephone utility brings the phones to Frank (my boyfriend's dad), who mills them, and cuts them to make things from cedar boxes, to cutting boards, and many other great things! I have always loved cedar! We had a big cedar chest growing up where we stored our blankets for the winter. The smell is so wonderful!

Thanks to Frank, we had a great workshop to use for the project! Many beautiful things are made at the Rusty Hammer, with a lot of love, and a lot of talent!

We took a cedar board, about 5 feet or so, and started to make the spice rack. We cut the sides and the shelves, and planed them, and made everything smooth and even. Thank goodness for all of the right tools that were at our disposal!

Somehow, we needed to make the 6 boards that we cut, look like the picture that I found! To make it look neat and tidy, we had to notch out the sides of the rack, in order to fit the shelves. Then I learned about the best invention - Dado blades!! I must admit I was a little naive about the whole woodworking process, so I am just learning!

After all the notches were made, and I carefully sanded them down, it was time for assembly! A little bit of wood glue, and some carefully placed nails! It turned out better than I could ever have imagined! A looked a lot like the photo we were working from! It was so fun makeing something new from something old, and trying out a new skill! Now that my new spice rack is hanging in my house, everytime I look at it, I appreciate what it took to put together!

So, here is what I eneded up with! I used my awesome Kootsac and Carebags, and went to the Bluk Barn and got the spices that I didn't already have. I filled up my spice jars, labelled them all with my label maker (a little OCD I know), and placed the on the spice rack! I love it! And exactly what I wanted, only better!

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