I heart vacation!

Ah yes...it's that time of year! Bring on the vacation! 

Last weekend I had my first round of time off, spending it on Prince Edward Island. There are so many neat adventures to be had over there!

We went back to the Great Canadian Soap Company for more of their fabulous products! We were just in time to feed some super cute 5-week old baby goats! They were very loveable and couldn't wait for their milk! It was so neat!

We also visited Rossignol's Winery, in Little Sands, near Wood Islands (where you catch the ferry to Caribou, Nova Scotia). They grow their own grapes to make red and white wines, but also use local fruit for their delicious varieties of fruit wines! My favorites are the strawberry and blackberry, but the raspberry, cranberry, and rosehip are all yummy too! Rossignol's is laid out on a beautiful piece of property overlooking the Northumberland Strait, and the grounds were pristine! A great testament to the quality of the local vineyard!

Strawberry season is underway in PEI, and so I lended a hand in some berry harvesting. The 'wendy' variety is out and is VERY good, and soon the others will be ready to pick. There I was, crawling through the drills, for the best berries! And eventually, got to try the "fruits" of my labour! They were so good, and as I have said before, the local berries are so much better, juicier, and more tasteful than any berries you could bring in from elsewhere! I cannot wait to get some more!, because before we know it the season will be over!

I must say, there are some many great places to vist, and many adventures to be had, that don't cost a lot of money. It's also interesting to talk to local proprietors who sell their goods, and live off the land, and use local supplies. It makes me very happy to see that this type of buinsess is still alive and well in the Maritimes!

Until the next vacation.....

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