Allergies Schmallergies

Over the past several months I have be having a sensitivity to milk. I couldn't quite figure out whether it was an allergy or just lactose intolerance, but I knew that it was making me sick.

I heard about Anew Start Allergy Clinic here in Fredericton, and the amazing things that Lori, the Doctor of Natural Medicine, does for people there.

So, skeptically, knowing only that the process of diagnosis would include muscle testing and viles full of water, I ventured over. And what transpired amazed me.

Lori's techniques are based on NAET, or Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Techniques, as indicated on their website, are "a non-invasive, drug free, natural solution to eliminate allergies of all types and intensities using a blend of selective energy balancing, testing and treatment procedures from acupuncture/acupressure, allopathy, chiropractic, nutritional, and kinesiological disciplines of medicine"

When I arrived, I held a series of viles in my hand, while Lori tested the muscles in my opposite arm, by pushing down, while I resisted up. Each of the viles were charged with a different electromagnetic charged, base on a binary code. I never thought it would actually work, honestly. But, lo and behold, not knowing what was in each of the viles, my suspicions were validated. I indeed have a milk allergy. Casein, a milk protein, in particular. My arm dropped like I was holding a tonne of bricks. Too see how the testing works, click here.

I do have a sensitivity to a few other things, but right now, I am going to be treated for my milk allergy. And from what Lori says, after a few treatments, I should be able to tolerate milk again. And boy, would I seriously love to stop reading each and every ingredient on labels! The treatment consists of holding on to the viles, while nerves in your back are stimulated at the pressure points, or by acupuncture. This releases energy through the body, and 12 meridians, and trains the body that what in in the viles (in this case milk and casein)  are not a threat. Sounds a little witch doctor-ish I know, but people have been cured in the past! I will reserve judgement until I can sit down in front of a bowl of Peanut Butter Fudge Crunch.

What does all of this have to do with the environment? It's all natural! I am so happy not to have to be filling my body full of medication to try and solve my milk issue. The testing was non-invasive, as is the treatment. Which makes me happy. No needles, no pills, no poking, prodding, dermal scratching, or anything!

If you have allergy problems, or a sensitivity, check for a NAET certified practitioner near you! You don't have anything to lose, except for your allergies!

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